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  • AAST Statements

    Statement policies made by AAST is a representation of organizational policies and recommendations written by leadership. There is a plethora of ideas and beliefs within AAST and we want to stress that our statements do not represent the opinions of each individual member.

    AAST is a 501(c3) and does not advocate or issue statements regarding elections, political campaigns, endorsement of political parties, or political agenda. AAST does not participate in lobbying, propaganda, or other legislative activity.

  • AAST Statement on Racism & Discrimination 

    As surgeons, our duty by oath is to care for all who are sick and injured. Racism and discrimination are forms of structural violence and are public health issues that are especially harmful to our Black, Brown, AAPI, and LGTBQ communities. AAST stands against any and all forms of racism, violence, intolerance, and discrimination. 

  • COVID-19 Resources

    AAST has put together a list of resources containing various statements, support, handbooks, and guidance that will be relevant to our membership during the COVID-19 pandemic. This will be updated as new information becomes available. We are committed to supporting our membership at this time and will continue to find educational content relative to the ongoing emergency. We thank you for your sacrifice and your individual effort to combat this pandemic.

  • Statement on Firearm-Related Injury

    The most recent spate of mass shootings has taken the conversation on firearm violence to another level. These high-profile events are front-page news, but they represent only a small fraction of the problem of firearm-related injuries and deaths in the United States. This is not a new problem, but it has been escalating over the past several years.

  • Statement on Firearm Injury

    On behalf of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, its Board of Managers wishes to express our deepest sympathy to the countless families and communities affected by the senseless violence and injury involving the use of firearms. As trauma surgeons, we see and abhor this pain and suffering on a daily basis.

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