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  • University of Missouri

    United States, Columbia, Missouri
    Institution Information
    Hospital: University of Missouri
    Address: One Hospital Drive
    Columbia, Missouri 65212
    Fellowship Information
    Salary: $57,000-$60,000
    Fellowship Type: Surgical Critical Care Only
    Number of Years: 1
    Number of Positions: 1
    Description: The University of Missouri, Division of Acute Care Surgery offers both one and two year training opportunities in surgical critical care, acute care surgery and burn surgery. The six full-time acute care surgeons, comprise the core of the multi-disciplinary educational program. Care delivery reflects the current ACS model combining the disciplines of trauma, burn, surgical critical care, emergency and elective general surgery into a single clinical and educational practice. A multidisciplinary team provides patient care, outreach education, and medical student, resident and fellow training. Faculty members are also active in both clinical and basic science research. University Hospital is an American College of Surgeons verified Level I trauma center, one of only three such centers in Missouri. The Frank L. Mitchell, Jr., MD Trauma Program evaluates over 1500 injured patients annually and the 18 bed dedicated Trauma-Surgical Intensive Care Unit and 14 bed dedicated Burn Unit offer ample opportunities for learning.
    Program Director Information
    Name: Stephen L. Barnes MD FACS
    Address: Division of Acute Care Surgery
    One Hospital Drive MC219
    United States
    Columbia, MO 65212
    Phone: 573 884 6098

    Published on: 02/21/2013
    Last Revised on: 07/25/2021

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