The Military Liaison Committee facilitates military-civilian collaborations to create a national trauma care system with the aim of zero-preventable deaths after injury and minimal trauma-related disability for the Servicemen and women our Nation sends into harm’s way as well as every American at home and abroad.
Summary of Activity:
- Always Remember Fund
- Partnerships
- AAST continues to work with the American College of Surgeons and the MHSSPACS to develop an assessment for trauma surgeons. Thank you to all the AAST surgeons who worked on this, including Jay Johannigman and Nicole Stassen.
- 2021 Meeting
- Another concept we will be pursuing this year is a mentoring program similar to the ACS YFA mentor program. This is a program where mentor and mentees are matched. They attend a kick off lunch session (at the 2021 meeting) then stay in contact for the next year either working on a project or engaging in a career building activity.
- ASSET + at 2021 meeting
- We will be working with the trauma surgeons in Atlanta (Grady) to set up a military AASET + course. This will provide a service to deploying military surgeons and offers them the opportunity to attend the AAST annual meeting since they will have already been approved for travel to the course.
- Diversity and Equity
- We would like to add some diversity to the committee and are preparing a list of members to add to the membership of our committee.