Welcome to the July/August 2018 edition of the Cutting Edge!
In this edition, you will find:
- The “News” section highlights both professional and personal updates on AAST members.
- In the “Injury Prevention Quarter”, Dr. Deborah Kuhls gives us information on a pre-session and lunch session planned for the 77th Annual Meeting of the AAST and 4th World Trauma Congress on firearm injury prevention.
- In this issue’s “Coder’s Corner”, Dr. Lawrence Reed and Dr. Thomas Esposito give their coding information on trauma activation charges.
- The “Happenings” section, headed by Dr. Chad Ball, keeps the reader aware of upcoming meetings along with the submission deadlines.
- Dr. Jason Smith brings us the “Program Committee Update”
- Dr. Clay Cothren Burlew informs us about the activities of the “Acute Care Surgery Committee”.
- The Critical Care Committee informs us about their new educational opportunity with article reviews that can be used to obtain CME credits.
- We also provide several links to sites of interest, including reminder that registration for the 77th AAST Annual Meeting is now up and running as well as information about the National Trauma Research Repository.
I hope you enjoy your issue of the “Cutting Edge.” Please send us any feedback or issues that you will like to see in the coming issues of the newsletter. (aast@aast.org).