Honorary Membership Criteria
Nominees for AAST Honorary Membership should fulfill the following criteria:
- The importance of their research/clinical accomplishments should be well known to the active member of the AAST who will nominate the individual
- The importance of their research/clinical accomplishments should be confirmed by contact with their national, regional, or international society in trauma/surgical critical care/emergency surgery/burns
- Their visibility in the United States has been enhanced by attendance at and participation in prior meetings of the ACS, AAST, EAST, WTA, SCCM, ABA, etc.
- Willingness to attend the AAST meeting in which they would receive their certificate as an Honorary Member
To nominate an Honorary Member, please submit the following to AAST by May 1st:
- Nomination by an active AAST member
- Three letters of recommendation from active AAST members
- The prime nominator will collate the three letters in support of the nominee and the nominee's curriculum vitae and submit in the form below by May 1st of the year of the nomination