International Relations Bulletin
Dr Li C. Hsee, MD
Auckland, New Zealand
The International Relations Committee of AAST under the leadership of its chairman, Dr. Michel Aboutanos, hosted the international attendees breakfast meeting on Wednesday, September 26, at the Annual Meeting. This is a session in which the international attendees can get together for networking, enjoy breakfast, and participate in a clinical presentation. As many are aware, as this year’s AAST was combined with the 4th World Trauma Congress, there were an exceptionally high number of international attendees at this meeting.
The international attendees’ breakfast was very well supported by AAST participants from across the globe. The highlight of this breakfast was the presentation from Dr. Ingo Marzi, editor in chief of EJTES. His topic of discussion was the acute inflammatory response post trauma. His talk generated great interest and many questions from the floor.
The format of the presentation went well, and for future meetings, it would be feasible for different international societies to present. The international attendees breakfast was well received by all who attended.