In the News Section of the Cutting Edge, we highlight some of the professional and personal updates on AAST members.
- Congratulations to Dr. Andrew Bernard, who became the new President of the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma, and to Dr. Elliott Haut, who was selected to be the President-Elect.
- Congratulations to Dr. Raymond Fang on winning the Eastern Association Surgery of Trauma John Pryor Military Trauma Award.
- Dr. Amy Goldberg will be joining the American Board of Surgery representing the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma
- Dr. Kimberly Davis will be joining the American Board of Surgery Trauma, Burns, and Critical Care representing the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma.
- Dr. Steven Shackford gave the annual Scott B. Frame Memorial Lecture entitled “The Poverty of Theory: Evidence-Based Medicine and the Social Contract” at the 2018 EAST meeting in Orlando, Florida.
- Dr. Wayne Meredith delivered the annual Oriens Lecture entitled “Life Lessons Learned on the Way to the Operating Room” at the 2018 EAST meeting in Orlando, Florida.
- The Maryland General Assembly honored Dr. Thomas Scalea for his decades of service in leading the efforts to save injured patients.
- Dr. Matthew Martin has been selected as the reviewer of the year for The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgey.
- ?The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery congratulates Matthew J. Martin, MD, as Reviewer of the Year. Colonel Martin is the Trauma Medical Director at Madigan Army Medical Center and the Director of Trauma Informatics at Legacy Emanuel Medical Center. He holds the academic rank of Professor of Surgery (USUHS and Univ. of Washington). He has served on 5 combat deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, and most recently to Baghdad, Iraq as the Theater Trauma Director for Operation Inherent Resolve.?
If you have an update on an AAST member that you would like to see highlighted in the Cutting Edge newsletter, please send the information to us at