AAST's Cutting Edge Daily Newsletter
Friday, September 22nd
Click HERE to View the Cutting Edge Email
Editor’s Column
Written by: Shannon Marie Foster, MD, FACS
Friends and Colleagues! What a productive, enlightening, and enjoyable three days! I hope you are staying for the fourth, but if not, be sure to read and watch pieces about the Quick Shot presenters contained here. Each of the Keynote speakers and Panel faculty have been profound, touching, and impactful – a reminder to ensure you have registered for on-demand access to amplify if already viewed or for first-time experience if you are following us remotely. Click HERE to register for on-demand.
Look for tomorrow’s Cutting Edge Newsletter Edition - after the meeting has closed and most are travling or already back at home - which will contain pieces summarizing the meeting; including a membership status report, a fundraising/scholarship report, and an AAST business and active issues update. And do not despair! If you have missed any of the daily CE editions, they will be archived in the webface member portal and many of the pieces will be re issued in the months ahead.
Thank you for reading!
Presenter Highlights
Sharon Henry, MD
University of Maryland Medical Center R A Cowley Shock Trauma Center
What lead you to this line of research? My clinical practice includes taking care of patients that have been treated for severe soft tissue infections. Many have large wounds that require skin grafting. I have been intrigued by this novel technology and its use in burn patients. I began using it off label for non burn patients and was thrilled when a multicenter trial was organized.
What are you most excited for at the annual meeting? The science of course. Seeing colleagues and past trainees. But the highlight for me is the Pipeline workshop sponsored by the DEI outreach subcommittee of the DEI committee!
Jamie Robinson, MD
Harborview Medical Center
Title of Presentation: Functional Outcomes After ECMO in a Trauma Population
What led you to this line of research? Working at a level one trauma center that utilizes ECMO more than other centers in our region, I was curious about the actual outcomes of our young ECMO program.
What obstacles did you face? I was surprised to find that despite our program being approximately eight years old, there were limitations on our data, including both numbers and strength of documentation. Working through multiple electronic medical record systems, posed its own difficulties as well.
Matthew Benns, MD
University of Louisville
Title of Presentation: Persistent Long-Term Opioid Use After Trauma: Incidence and Risk Factors
What led you to this line of research? I live and work in the state of Kentucky, an area that has been particularly ravaged by the opioid epidemic. Kentucky previously had some of the highest prescription opioid rates in the nation and despite significant focus and legislative efforts, still has the 3rd highest fatal overdose rate in the country.As a trauma surgeon, we prescribe a lot of opioids and for good reason, but these concerns are always in the background.
What did you find as a useful resource that helped you to complete this project? I worked with a statistician in our public health department who was invaluable in organizing and analyzing what ended up being an extremely high volume of data.