This website is for the Western Regional Alliance for Pediatric Emergency Management (WRAP-EM) and contains links to many resources and tools collected to assist healthcare centers, public agencies, providers and families for preparation and in the event of emergency. Resources for consideration in crisis standards of care planning include: Mass Critical Care Surge Response during COVID-19: Implementation of Contingency Strategies A Preliminary Report of findings from the Task Force for Mass Critical Care, Crisis Standards of Care: Legal Decision Factors, Crisis Standards of Care and COVID-19: What Did We Learn? How Do We Ensure Equity? What Should We Do?, WRAP-EM Pediatric CSC Template, An Official ATS/AACN/ACCP/ESICM/SCCM Policy Statement: Responding to Requests for Potentially Inappropriate Treatments in Intensive Care Units, Should Covid Vaccination Status Be Used to Make Triage Decisions?, Crisis Standards of Care—More Than Just a Thought Experiment?, Ethically Navigating the Murky Waters of “Contingency Standards of Care”, Collaboration on the Arizona Surge Line: How Covid-19 Became the Impetus for Public, Private, and Federal Hospitals to Function as One System, The Arizona Surge Line, PICU in the MICU: how adult intensive care units can support pediatric care in public health emergencies, Navigating Legalities in Crisis Standards of Care, Guidance: State COVID-19 Emergency Declarations.
Additionally there are links to three discussions hosted by the Eastern Great Lakes Pediatric Consortium for Disaster Response and WRAP-EM.
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