Participate in AAST Surveys!
AAST has active surveys available year-round on one site for your convenience and participation. Active surveys include AAST-sponsored surveys (those created by AAST) and AAST-approved surveys (surveys created outside of AAST) requested by you, our members, and the AAST committees. All current surveys can be found here along with an updated survey policy and request form.
How to Update Your Membership Information!
Don't forget to update your membership information! Have you moved institutions? Not receiving the print AAST newsletter? Make sure to update your information with the AAST Central Office. You can do this by logging in to aast.org or downloading this form and sending it to aast@aast.org!
Associate Member Webinar #4
Associate Members will have their first virtual business meeting on August 5, 2020. For associate members, please RSVP to the calendar invite that was sent last month. For more information about the election and candidates, please click here.
AAST Virtual Grand Rounds
To join the webinar on the day of the event, CLICK HERE.
August 19, 2020 - (National Wellness Month) - Resiliency, PTSD, Stress in HRV and Sleep
Speakers: Jamie Coleman, MD
Moderator: Bellal Joseph, MD
World Trauma Congress 2020
The World Trauma Congress timeline has been updated! The Australasian Trauma Society and the World Coalition for Trauma Care are pleased to invite you to attend the 5th World Trauma Congress.
30 June 2020: Call for abstracts opens
16 September 2020: Call for abstracts closes
14 February 2021: Trauma 2021 begins
NEW! AAST/ESTES Emergency Surgery Course
The Emergency Surgery Course (ESC®), a joint collaboration between ESTES and AAST, aims to aid surgeons in non-trauma emergency surgery by providing them the know-how and decision-making skills needed within daily practice. The course consists of theoretical sessions, case scenarios, and state-of-the-art videos. The course is presented/taught in an interactive format from beginning to end. Interested in holding an ESC® at your institution? Contact Rachel Sass, AAST Education Manager at rsass@aast.org for more details! For more information about ESC®, click here.